Once upon a time there was a bear called pooh. One day Pooh was playing golf in the garden,but there was a
bee above Pooh so Pooh didn't know how to play, because the bee is teezing Pooh.So Pooh tried to continue playing and forget about this bee ,but the bee didn't stop teezing Pooh she kept making zzzzzzzzz and turning around Pooh.
Pooh thought that he must get over this bee.Pooh sat in in a place and he kept thinking of a way to make the bee go into her house (beehive) suddenly Pooh got an idea what is this idea ?come on let's see.Pooh
dressed a dress of a bee,then Pooh said in hisself if I dressed like a bee then I should act like a bee.Then Pooh went up a tree and he ju
mped of the tree he tried to fly with the wings in the bee dress but the wings didn't fly because it was just a dress and the wings was not real at all so Pooh fell on the ground.
Pooh tried again ten times but it didn't work.Pooh went to his thinking again and he kept thinking of a way to make the bee go back to her home(beehive). Then he remembered that honey comes from bees. So in the next day Pooh took a jar
and he put in it honey and he took and walk the bee smelled the smell of the honey so the bee went after the smell.When Pooh arrived to the beehive he put the honey in the beehive so the bee entered the
beehive and Pooh closed on her the door and he played free.
a very amazing story reem